BriefCam Syndex 소프트웨어_en

Extract more valuable and actionable information from CCTV video images.

Video Synopsis® is a technology that can represent all objects, events, and activities that occur at different times almost simultaneously. This is called Video Synopsis.

The new BriefCam® Syndex family provides powerful video review tools for specifying events of interest to help users find targets faster than ever before.

BriefCam Syndex consists of four types of products: a stand-alone product for police/prosecutors, CCTV operators (Syntex FS), a stand-alone product that can be used as a group by a number of CCTV camera imaging teams (Syntex FS+) and a small and medium enterprise type that can be used in conjunction with the Genetec Security Center or Omnicast VMS (Syndex EP), a larger enterprise type (Syndex EP+).

Brief Cam Syndex converts the video into a multi-hour overview video and then allows police, prosecutors, and CCTV operators to review and investigate the video in bulk. Users can specify events of interest using Brief Cam Syndex and quickly search for (forensics) target objects to take the necessary action.

In addition to being a powerful tool for quick video review, BriefCam Synopsis offers an expanded Video Synopsis feature that allows you to search for videos based on the filters you specify: size, color, speed, direction, and region. All filter options are user-controlled.

Like all search engines, BriefCam Synopsis lists the Video Synopsis search results in order of probability (high to low probability).

BriefCam Syndex combines human experience, intelligence, and intuition as an important part of the search and review process. With BriefCam Syndex, users can instantly obtain actionable information from videos for decision-making in security and security environments.



BriefCam Syndex embedded within Genetec