
  • BriefCam – Video Synopsis

    BriefCam enables the shortest search of recorded images in a variety of ways with an image analysis solution.

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Video Synopsis Value: Security

Video Synopsis can leverage existing security systems.
Key Benefits


    Be Faster

    • Remove boring, high-speed playback navigation tasks without missing any events
    • Video search time: Reduce it to 1/60
    • Result: Efficient evidence image acquisition
  • BE Smarter

    Be Smarter

    • Found previously unknown, unreported events
    • Security guard : Can perform security tasks at the same time as other tasks (spare time)
    • Result: Regular search work is possible
  • BE Proactive

    Be Proactive

    • Crowd Traffic/Action Analysis
    • Enhanced security personnel management and task optimization
    • Incidental service inspection
    • Use for various usage patons, platforms, and user profiles
    • Securing competitiveness in fierce competitive markets

field of application

  • 치안 (경찰)

     Security(The police.)

  • 캠퍼스 (빌딩, 병원, 호텔, 교육시설)

     campus (building, hospital, hotel, educational facilities)


  • 카지노, 놀이시설, 체육시설, 컨벤션

     casino, amusement facilities, sports facilities, convention


  • 주요 기반 시설

     major infrastructure (power generation facilities, gas/oil refining, chemistry/steel)


  • 운송(공항, 항만, 철도, 지하철, 도로)

     transport(airport, bay,track, subway, road)


  • 리테일(백화점, 마트, 매장)

     Retail (department store, mart, shop)


  • 도시방범

     urban crime prevention


  • 대기업 본사지사 공장

    a large enterprise, head office/regional office, factory